Rambo's Health Journey: From Eye Troubles to a Vet Visit


Rambo’s right eye. Sept 2023

Back in September, Rambo's right eye had been experiencing some minor issues. His right eye consistently had discharge, and I had to clean it couple times a day. Additionally, the corner of the eye appeared slightly red.

Initially, I suspected it might be a mild case of conjunctivitis. Rambo wasn't scratching at it, and it didn't seem to bother him. I sent some photos to our veterinarian, and the clinic emailed back, suggesting that I monitor the situation for a month to see if there would be any improvement.

Some of my friends who also have German Shepherds recommended considering bringing him to an eye specialist because Pannus is often overlooked. Pannus is an eye condition that affects certain breeds, including German Shepherds, and it can lead to issues like the ones Rambo was experiencing.

So, I decided to try some natural home remedies to see if I could reduce the inflammation before taking him to the vet. I knew that Rambo wouldn't let the vet get too close to his eyes for an examination. It was important to me to explore a more holistic and naturopathic options.

Exploring Natural Remedies: Green Tea and Holistic Care

Top: Before using green tea/ Middle: 2 days after using green tea/ Bottom: 4 days after using green tea

I first started using green tea to treat his right eyes. Using a small syringe I purchased from Amazon, I applied a few drops of green tea as an eye wash, repeating this routine 3-4 times a day for a full week. To my relief, by the fourth day, I could distinctly see a significant improvement. The redness had been a cause for concern had considerably diminished.

Nonetheless, despite the progress, I had already made up my mind to schedule a visit to the vet, and I had several reasons for doing so:

  1. Given the prevalence of Pannus, a common eye condition among German Shepherds, I wanted the vet to thoroughly examine Rambo's eyes to rule out this condition. It was essential for me to have that peace of mind.

  2. As Rambo had just turned eight, it felt like it’s the right time for a senior wellness check and a comprehensive blood panel. It had been a few years since his last bloodwork, and establishing a new baseline would be crucial for monitoring his overall health.

  3. I discovered a few small bumps on his body. There was one on the right side of his front limb and another, smaller one situated just about an inch beneath his left eye. Personally, I couldn't definitively tell whether these were harmless pimples or potentially concerning tumors. So for both Rambo’s health and sanity, I opted for a vet visit.


In the weeks leading up to the vet visit, the redness in Rambo's eye had definitely improved, but the discharge was still present, albeit not excessively. It was confined to his right eye alone. I also switched from using green tea to chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is very calming to the eyes. It’s great to use to flush out his eye discharge.

The Vet Visit: A Senior Wellness Check and More

This morning marked the long-awaited vet appointment, a day I must admit I had been dreading. If you have a senior dog, you can likely relate to the mixture of anxiety and concern that comes with such visits. I was fairly certain that Rambo would require sedation to complete all the necessary procedures: a thorough eye examination, a check of the bumps, and blood sample collection.

I'm going to spare the details of the visit, including Rambo’s drama (the vet called him 'drama boy’ — lol) and go straight into the results.

The results are ….

Diagnosis: Dry Eye and Treatment

No pannus. Thank goodness.

Rambo doesn't have pannus, which is a big relief. It turns out he has dry eye, but it's limited to his right eye.

The vet has prescribed two things for dry eyes:

  1. Tobramycin Oohthalmic Solution: an antibiotic to treat a bacterial eye infection

  2. Optimmune: an eye ointment for dry eye. This will be a long term treatment.

After two weeks, I will perform the Schirmer Tear Test at home and report the results back to the vet to see if there is any improvement.

However, I've decided to try natural remedies for dry eye during the next two weeks to see if there's any improvement before starting on these medications. I think it’s a safe approach, especially since his condition isn't serious or life-threatening.

As for the bumps, fortunately, they are just pimples and cysts.

Hoping for the Best: Blood Work and Pet Insurance

Regarding the blood work, we'll have to wait a day or two for the results. Fingers crossed!

The vet bill came close to $800…. Luckily, I have pet insurance with Healthy Paws. I know wellness exam is not covered, but I should be able to claim a couple hundred dollars. We shall see.

I've genuinely done my best to provide Rambo with a good diet and a healthy lifestyle. I'm hoping the bloodwork will reveal that he's a healthy boy.


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