Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?

dog eating yogurt

Yogurt is good for the humans, but can dogs eat yogurt, too? The short answer is yes, dogs can eat yogurt, which can offer various benefits. In this post, we'll talk about the benefits and potential risks and how to incorporate yogurt into our dog’s diet safely.

The Benefits of Yogurt for Dogs

Probiotics for a Healthy Gut

One of the primary benefits of yogurt for dogs is yogurt contains probiotic content. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy digestive system. Like humans, these live cultures can help regulate your dog's gut and improve their overall digestion. A small serving of yogurt can be beneficial if your dog experiences digestive issues or an upset stomach.

Besides yogurt, pumpkin is also an excellent natural food to add to a dog's diet for gut health. It is an excellent home remedy for diarrhea in dogs

In addition to probiotics, it is a good source of

  • protein

  • vitamin d

  • essential fatty acids

  • potassium

  • magnesium

  • vitamin k2

Boosting Immune Health

Yogurt isn't just good for the gut; it can also positively impact your dog's immune system. Probiotics may strengthen their immune response, making them better equipped to fight off infections and illnesses. A robust immune system is essential for keeping our dogs healthy and happy.

Protein and Calcium

Yogurt is a source of protein and calcium, which are essential nutrients for your dog's overall health. Protein supports muscle development and repair, while calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth. Incorporating yogurt into your dog's diet can increase their daily protein and calcium requirements.

What Types of Yogurt Can I Give To My Dog?

Plain, Unflavored Regular Yogurt

Opt for unflavored, plain yogurt with no added sugars or artificial sweeteners when feeding your dog yogurt. Flavored yogurts often contain added sugars that are unnecessary and potentially harmful to dogs. Stick to the basics to ensure you're offering a healthy treat.

Greek Yogurt

"Can dogs eat Greek yogurt?" is a commonly asked question by many dog owners. Greek yogurt is a thicker, creamier option that's rich in protein. It's an excellent choice for dogs, but be mindful of portion sizes, as it can be a bit richer. This type of yogurt can be particularly beneficial for active dogs that need extra protein in their diet. When choosing Greek yogurt for dogs, make sure to pick plain Greek yogurt.

Sheep Milk Yogurt

Sheep milk yogurt is another excellent choice for dogs. It's less likely to cause digestive issues in lactose-intolerant dogs. It provides the same probiotic and nutritional benefits as cow's milk yogurt. If you have concerns about lactose intolerance, consider trying sheep milk yogurt as a more gentle alternative.

Bellwether Farms Sheep Milk Yogurt is one of my favorite brands I get for Rambo. This is a full-fat yogurt made with sheep milk, free of antibiotics and growth hormones. It's packed with A2 protein, which makes this yogurt better for those who don't tolerate cow milk.  

Adding sheep milk yogurt to the list of yogurt types provides dog owners with a broader range of options, especially for dogs with specific dietary needs or sensitivities.

Yogurt and Lactose Intolerance

Monitoring for Lactose Intolerance

While yogurt is generally safe for dogs, it's essential to be aware of lactose intolerance. Some dogs may have difficulty digesting lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Lactose intolerance can manifest as digestive issues like diarrhea, gas, or bloating. Suppose your dog experiences these symptoms after consuming yogurt. In that case, they may be lactose intolerant, so avoiding dairy products is best.

Safe Serving Sizes

How Much Yogurt Can I Feed My Dog Per Day?

When introducing yogurt into your dog's diet, start with small amounts. A teaspoon or two may suffice for smaller dogs, while larger breeds can have a couple of tablespoons. Keep a close eye on how your dog responds to yogurt and adjust the serving size accordingly. It's essential to watch for any signs of digestive discomfort.

Safety Precautions

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Ensure that the yogurt you offer your dog doesn't contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to dogs and must be strictly avoided. Always check the ingredient list to be on the safe side.

Feeding in Moderation

While yogurt can be beneficial, it should be given in moderation to maintain a balanced diet.


In conclusion, yogurt can be a delightful and nutritious addition to your dog's diet and dog food. You can also use this ingredient in homemade dog treats during dog training. Its probiotics, protein, and calcium content offer several health benefits, from promoting a healthy gut to boosting the immune system. However, it's vital to be mindful of lactose intolerance, select the correct type of yogurt, and serve it in moderation. As always, consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions about feeding yogurt to your dog.


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