Rambo’s Health Updates - June 2024
Rambo had surgery last week at East Padden Animal Hospital to remove a few masses on his body and also had x-rays done for his hips.
Our veterinarian, Dr. Hawkins, called me earlier today. I have great news and not-so-great news to share.
The great news is that Rambo’s blood work results came back completely normal. Additionally, the biopsy results showed that the lumps are not cancerous.
Now, the not-so-great news is that the x-rays revealed issues with his right hip. The following is Rambo’s radiology summary:
1. Degenerative joint disease in the right coxofemoral joint consistent with moderate hip dysplasia.
2. Moderate muscular atrophy of the right pelvic limb secondary to disuse, most likely.
3. Very mild degenerative joint disease in both stifles.
4. Mild/moderate multifocal ventral spondylosis and osteoarthritis of the articular processes along the thoracolumbar spine, consistent with degenerative changes.
One positive aspect from the x-ray is that his left hip doesn’t have any issues. And Rambo hasn’t show any discomfort/ pain or any limping in his daily life yet.
So, what do I do from here?
1. First and foremost, get his weight down to 75 lbs. He currently weighs 80 lbs. Although he’s at a healthy weight, keeping him on the leaner side will help him tremendously with the hip issue. The tricky part is helping him lose weight without losing muscle mass.
2. Re-evaluate his current fitness routine. Focus on strengthening his core and his right rear leg. We need him to have strong muscles to support his weak joint.
3. Learn how to do better stretching and massage techniques.
4. Once I have an updated fitness routine, I plan to consult a rehab specialist to review my approach. I also need more clarification on any activities and stretches he shouldn’t do.
5. Add a dog treadmill to my wish list. The one I want is currently out of my budget. The Fit Fur Life treadmill is ideal because it has an incline feature. I hope to save enough money to get one for him by the end of the year so he can start using it during the winter.
6. Research anti-inflammatory herbs.
7. Research on CBD and hemp products for pain (he doesn’t need it now but I like to be prepared)
Some of you may not know that Rambo is extremely uncomfortable with being handled by other people. Therefore, bringing him in for rehab or other alternative therapies such as acupuncture or laser treatment is not an option. That’s why I’ve learned how to do many things at home with him over the years.
I’m not going to lie; my heart sank a little when I heard the results of the x-ray from the vet. However, I will try my best to take a proactive approach to keep Rambo healthy and happy.
If you have any tips or products recommendation, please share in the comment section below!